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Hall Towing is ready to assist you with special services, including: Drydock repair, river construction, salvage operations and more.
Drydocking & Repair
Special repair services are available with the aid of Hall Towing's drydock, a 500 ton, 54'x54' structure.
Motor vessels or barges are suitable for repair using the drydock. Hall Towing has a long history of hull repair and other services using the drydock.
River Construction and Salvage
River construction services are made possible Hall Towing's mounted crane on the deck barge. The crane is a Link Belt 208, 80-ton cap, with pile driving attachment available.
The floating dock measures 140'x40'. Adjustable spuds from 30' to 60' mean flexibility in a variety of settings. Roll on - roll off ramps are also available.
Hall Towing works in a variety of settings with its floating crane setup. Salvage operations for cargo or equipment; pile driving; bridge construction or repair; special river construction operations and other special services utilizing the floating crane.